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Tater Tart

We're all going to die someday, so why don't we just do what we want.

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Infinte Trip


We've all found ourselves in the infinite void wondering "How am I going to take these nuggets of wisdom back with me to the physical realm?"


Wonder no more!


Take this trip journal with you on your next psychadelic journey and jot down all those juicy morsels that the universe bestows upon you.

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Have you ever thought about how every night, every human in the world leaves their body to explore dreamscapes created by the deep dark recesses of their minds?


Then they all *wake up*. Remember work. Remember friends. Remember lil treats and hobbies and the news. And we forget those adventures we just had.


Don't let the most exciting adventures you will *ever* have get lost in the infinite void! Use this journal to write them down right after you wake up.

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